''' Default values for global parameters ''' DTYPE = "i2" # ">i2" (> means big-endian), "i4", "f2" # see http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/arrays.dtypes.html#arrays-dtypes-constructing # Probe file (no default value provided) PROBE_FILE = 'AFR1_140108.probe' # Raw data files (no default values provided) #RAW_DATA_FILES = ['AFR1_140108.dat'] RAW_DATA_FILES = ['AFR1_140108.dat'] NCHANNELS = 64 SAMPLERATE = 20000 # in Hertz # Output directory, files are inserted in OUTPUT_DIR/OUTPUT_NAME OUTPUT_DIR = None # the output directory, use params directory if None OUTPUT_NAME = None # the filename for created directories, use params filename if None # Thresholding USE_SINGLE_THRESHOLD = False # use a single threshold for all channels CHUNKS_FOR_THRESH = 20 # number of chunks used to determine threshold for detection THRESH_SD = 7 # threshold for detection. standard deviations of signal DETECT_POSITIVE = False # detect spikes with positive threshold crossing # Recording data in HDF5 file RECORD_RAW = True # raw data RECORD_HIGH = True # high pass filtered data RECORD_LOW = True # low pass filtered data # Options for filtering F_LOW = 500. # low pass frequency (Hz) BUTTER_ORDER = 3 # Order of butterworth filter WRITE_FIL_FILE = False # write filtered output to .fil file # Options for spike detection T_BEFORE = .0005 # time before peak in extracted spike T_AFTER = .0005 # time after peak in extracted spike T_JOIN_CC = .0005 # maximum time between two samples for them to be "contiguous" in detection step PENUMBRA_SIZE = 0 # mask penumbra size (0 no penumbra, 1 first neighbours, etc.) # Options for alignment USE_WEIGHTED_MEAN_PEAK_SAMPLE = True # used for aligning waves UPSAMPLING_FACTOR = 10 # used for aligning waves # Options for features FPC = 3 # Features per channel PCA_MAXWAVES = 10000 # number of waves to use to extract principal components SHOW_PCS = False # show principal components # Options for masking USE_FLOAT_MASKS = True USE_INTERPOLATION = True ADDITIONAL_FLOAT_PENUMBRA = 2 # adds some more penumbra FLOAT_MASK_THRESH_SD = (0, 4.5) # (min, max), mask 0 at min, 1 at max FLOAT_MASK_INTERPOLATION = 'x' # f(x) for x in [0,1], f(0)=0, f(1)=1 # Options for computing in chunks CHUNK_SIZE = 20000 # number of time samples used in chunk for filtering and detection CHUNK_OVERLAP_SECONDS = 0.01 # overlap time (in seconds) of chunks, should be wider than spike width # Maximum number of spikes to process MAX_SPIKES = None # None for all spikes, or an int # Experimental options DO_GLOBAL_CLUSTERING = False SORT_CLUS_BY_CHANNEL = False # Sort clusters by the channel where the peak occurs