Cicero08222014: 20 rewards starting from home box 20 rewards randomly distributed Neural Files: Cicero08222014_presleep, Cicero08222014_exploration1, Cicero08222014_exploration2, Cicero08222014_postsleep Camera Files: Data1 - Data7: exploration1 Data8 - Data14: exploration2 Notes: Today's exercise is mainly about getting the subject to move from the home port to the maze. I'm feeding him treats between runs, so inter-trial data might be suspect Data1: very short. Just ran out briefly. Data2: Short: he's looking around more on the platform. Data3: getting better... Data4: still very short Data5: longest so far Data6: he is persisting in the lower left quadrant Data7: same BREAK Data8: very short Data9: that was a little more Data10: short Data11: a pretty good run. This was the first time I didn't have to coax him out of the home box Data12: short Data13: OK, he checked out the right part of the maze before getting distracting with scratching Data14: a decent run until he got scaried and ran back. FIN.