Cicero08252014: 5 rewards starting from home box 5 rewards Data16: I began rotating the platform. Why not? Neural Files: Cicero08252014_presleep, Cicero08252014_exploration1, Cicero08252014_exploration2, Cicero08252014_postsleep This is a great day: -First day rotating platform -lots of cells -30 trials Camera Files: Data1 - Data20: exploration1 Data21- Data30: exploration2 Notes: I'm feeding him treats between runs, so inter-trial data might be suspect Basic task is learned. Only noting interesting events Data2: the 32 pin connetor for the EMG came out and interferred with the right hemi. Disregard. Data5: extensive exploration Data10: around this time he really had the configuration and began running quickly back to home. Data16: first rotation trial. Only minor perturbation to trajectory. Data17: Several errors as he appeared to be trying to rely on scent. Data20: short run for 3 rewards BREAK: WIPE DOWN PLATFORM Data21-22: he seemed to forget the middle reward Data23: he got the middle reward again. FIN