Cicero08272014: 4 rewards starting from home box, rotating platform This is a repeat of the 08262014 configuration Rotating the platform from the beginning. Neural Files: Cicero08272014_presleep, Cicero08272014_presleep2, Cicero08272014_exploration1, Cicero08272014_exploration1, Cicero08272014_postsleep The system crashed durin the first presleep Camera Files: Data1 - Data27: exploration1 (I had to restart the system because I had to disconnect the headstage to untangle the cable. There is going to be a bit of noise in the last few minutes of this recording, because I failed to stop the recording while I disconnected) Data28 - 42: exploration2 Notes: I'm feeding him treats between runs, so inter-trial data might be suspect Basic task is learned. Only noting interesting events Data13: Aborted. The animal started to run out, but then stopped. I hit the trigger. Data17: I might be in the scene at the end of the trial, because he almost fell off the platform when running back to the home box. WIPE DOWN OF PLATFORM AFTER TRIAL 20 Data26: he didn't run for all the rewards after having done so for several trials. Data28: Abort: pulley had a problem Data32: The cameras were triggered just a bit before he got on the platform There is a trigger error after trial26, but I am not sure if I actually triggered the cameras or not. If so, there will be a VERY short bout of triggers. Data42: FIN. Error for the day: I didn't turn on the lights below the platform during the task. Therefore, double check image processing