Cicero08282014: 3 rewards starting from home box, rotating platform Rotating the platform from the beginning. Neural Files: Cicero08282014_presleep, Cicero08282014_exploration1, Cicero08282014_postsleep Camera Files: Data1 - Data42: exploration1 Notes: I'm feeding him treats between runs, so inter-trial data might be suspect Basic task is learned. Only noting interesting events Data8: long trial because cabling became a problem WIPE DOWN THE PLATFORM AFTER TRIAL 20 Data21: late trigger There might be an error in the number of trial blocks due to a potential mishap between trials 20 and 22. I know things are fine up to and including 20, but I had a brain fart between 21 and 22. -Error found: trial 21 triggers late, but no big deal. WIPE DOWN THE PLATFORM AFTER TRIAL 30 Data42: FIN.