Today is the 4th day of the full task: starts from home port, 3 rewards, sucrose instend of water, and platform rotated between trials. In addition: today I will do an extinction trial first i.e. I will allow the subject on the platform, but not place rewards. I'm interested in seeing whether the animal persists at the previously learned reward locations Data1: extinction (this will be interesting because the last time he did the task was 6 days ago) Data2-Data40 NOTES: -Data6: I forgot to place rewards. Catch trial! -There is a false positive block of video trials after Data24, disregard this block. This is not trial 25. Therefore, Data25 is block 26. -Double check the .dat record against the number of video trials -Check Camera4: Antonio bumped it between Data28 & Data29 -Data30: camera stoppped late -We made it to 40 trials! PROCESSING: Trial 22: there is an artifact in the video as the animal runs onto the platform. Therefore, the visual hull construction starts on frame 40. Trial 30: There will only be kinematic model fits up to frame 1275, to account for the fact that the video was left on. Note when aligning with neural data.