Today is the 10th day of the full task: starts from home port, 3 rewards of water, and platform rotated between trials. Andres made new cables for the 'crown', connector 5 looks better, still missing 4 shanks on connector 1. NOTES: Data1 extinction trial, Data3 started rotating platform Data11 bumped homeport, might've moved cameras Data12 a lot of noise in right hippocampus shanks, don't know how to fix it. Data 17 started camera a little bit late. Little break after 17because he looked like he needed it. Animal was doing much better than yesterday, was too nervous to take a break before and risk him curling up in his home port again. I was right, after break he was reluctant to go on the platform, waited >10 min for him to come out for trial 18, decided trial 19 should be the last. Data 19 probe trial