Cicero: General Notes This animal is implanted bilaterly with 64 channel probes in dCA1. It also has 3 EMG wires embedded in its neck muscles (only 2 of them work). We also attach a 3-axis accelerometer. The probes are oriented 1-6, with 1 anterior and 6 posterior. The probes are implanted parallel to the midline/long-axis of the hippocampus implant coordinates: Plug In Info: 1 on the left with the logo on the black connector pointed TOWARD the inside of the cap 2 on the right/front with the logo on the black connector AWAY from the inside of the cap Behavior: 8/23/2014 I've established that he'll work for a solid 15 ml. Physiology status: 8/09/2014 To enable implantation, I had to ligand some of the vasculature at the insertion point. This is the somatosensory cortex. 8/19/2014 The subject is still exhibiting some paralysis of the right whisker pad. Though, the eye seems fine (blinking and moist) Probe status: 08/09/2014 Surgery 08/19/2014 Both probes are in or near dCA1. In fact, the left hemi is a little deep, while the right is a bit above the pyr layer 08/20/2014 Excellent data in both hemispheres. I might make a slight adjustment to the left hemi, though 08/22/2014 Fantastic! Best data ever! I'm not moving if I don't have to 08/23/2014 The data still looks great in both hemis. Though, both probes seem to have moved down by 20um, even though I didn't turn the screws.