function [ripples,SW] = rippleMasterDetector(varargin) % rippleMasterDetector - Wrapped function to compute different % characteristics about hippocampal ripples (100 % ~ 200 Hz oscillations). It also computes % SharpWaves based on the ripples detected. % % USAGE % [ripples] = rippleMasterDetector() % % % Ripples are detected using the normalized squared signal (NSS) by % thresholding the baseline, merging neighboring events, thresholding % the peaks, and discarding events with excessive duration. % Thresholds are computed as multiples of the standard deviation of % the NSS. Alternatively, one can use explicit values, typically obtained % from a previous call. The estimated EMG can be used as an additional % exclusion criteria. % % SharpWaves are detected based on the detected ripples by findSharpWaves. Radiatum lfp % signal is filtered (default [2 10] Hz) and szcore of the signal is % computed. SW peak is detected as the time when zscore rad signal % exceeds SWthreshold(2) during the ocurrence of a ripple (SW.peaks). If a ripple % does not have an associated SharpWave, nan values are in play. Onset % and offset of the sharpwave is computed as the time when radiatum % zscore signal first crosses threshold(1) both before and after the % peaks ( SW.timestamps) % % INPUTS - note these are NOT name-value pairs... just raw values % optional list of property-value pairs (see tables below) % % ========================================================================= % Properties Values % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % 'thresholds' thresholds for ripple beginning/end and peak, in multiples % of the stdev (default = [2 5]); must be integer values % 'durations' min inter-ripple interval and max ripple duration, in ms % (default = [30 100]). % 'minDuration' min ripple duration. Keeping this input nomenclature for backwards % compatibility % 'restrict' interval used to compute normalization. By default, % tries to remove stimulated periods. Otherwise, 'off' % 'frequency' sampling rate (in Hz) (default = 1250Hz) % 'stdev' reuse previously computed stdev % 'show' plot results (default = 'off') % 'noise' noisy unfiltered channel used to exclude ripple- % like noise (events also present on this channel are % discarded) % 'passband' N x 2 matrix of frequencies to filter for ripple detection % (default = [130 200]) % 'EMGThresh' 0-1 threshold of EMG to exclude noise % 'saveMat' logical (default=false) to save in buzcode format % 'plotType' 1=original version (several plots); 2=only raw lfp % ========================================================================= % % OUTPUT % % ripples buzcode format .event. struct with the following fields % .timestamps Nx2 matrix of start/stop times for % each ripple % .detectorName string ID for detector function used % .peaks Nx1 matrix of peak power timestamps % .stdev standard dev used as threshold % .noise candidate ripples that were % identified as noise and removed % .peakNormedPower Nx1 matrix of peak power values % .detectorParams struct with input parameters given % to the detector % SW buzcode format .event. struct with the following fields % .timestamps % .detectorName % .peaks % SEE ALSO % % See also bz_oFilter, bz_RippleStats, bz_SaveRippleEvents, bz_PlotRippleStats. % % Develop by Manu Valero and Pablo Abad 2022. Buzsaki Lab. warning('this function is under development and may not work... yet') %% Default values p = inputParser; addParameter(p,'basepath',pwd,@isdir); addParameter(p,'rippleChannel',[],@isnumeric); addParameter(p,'SWChannel',[],@isnumeric); addParameter(p,'thresholds',[0.2 0.7],@isnumeric); % first value determines duration, second value is the peak threshold addParameter(p,'SWthresholds',[-0.5 -2], @isnumeric); addParameter(p,'durations',[20 300],@isnumeric); % 'anna:' minimum inter-ripple duration, maximum ripple duration , maybe change to 20 300 addParameter(p,'restrict',[],@isnumeric); addParameter(p,'frequency',[],@isnumeric); addParameter(p,'stdev',[],@isnumeric); addParameter(p,'show','off',@isstr); addParameter(p,'noise',[],@ismatrix); addParameter(p,'passband',[120 140],@isnumeric);% 120 - 200 addParameter(p,'SWpassband',[2 10],@isnumeric); addParameter(p,'EMGThresh',1,@isnumeric); addParameter(p,'saveMat',true,@islogical); addParameter(p,'minDuration',20,@isnumeric); addParameter(p,'plotType',2,@isnumeric); addParameter(p,'srLfp',[],@isnumeric); %'anna' human data lfp is 2048 addParameter(p,'rippleStats',true,@islogical); addParameter(p,'debug',false,@islogical); addParameter(p,'eventSpikeThreshold',1,@isnumeric); addParameter(p,'force',false,@islogical); addParameter(p,'removeRipplesStimulation',true,@islogical); addParameter(p,'useCSD',false,@islogical); addParameter(p,'stdThreshold',1.5,@isnumeric); parse(p,varargin{:}) basepath = p.Results.basepath; rippleChannel = p.Results.rippleChannel; SWChannel = p.Results.SWChannel; thresholds = p.Results.thresholds; SWthresholds = p.Results.SWthresholds; durations = p.Results.durations; restrict = p.Results.restrict; frequency = p.Results.frequency; stdev = p.Results.stdev; show =; noise = p.Results.noise; passband = p.Results.passband; SWpassband = p.Results.SWpassband; EMGThresh = p.Results.EMGThresh; saveMat = p.Results.saveMat; minDuration = p.Results.minDuration; plotType = p.Results.plotType; srLfp = p.Results.srLfp; rippleStats = p.Results.rippleStats; debug = p.Results.debug; eventSpikeThreshold = p.Results.eventSpikeThreshold; force = p.Results.force; removeRipplesStimulation = p.Results.removeRipplesStimulation; useCSD = p.Results.useCSD; stdThreshold = p.Results.stdThreshold; %% Load Session Metadata and several variables if not provided % session = sessionTemplate(basepath,'showGUI',false); session = loadSession(basepath); if (exist([ ''],'file') ... && ~force) disp(['Ripples already detected for ',, '. Loading file.']); load([ '']); return end % Ripple and SW Channel are loaded separately in case we want to provide % only one of the if isempty(rippleChannel) if ~isempty(dir([,'.hippocampalLayers.channelinfo.mat'])) file = dir([,'.hippocampalLayers.channelinfo.mat']); load(; else [hippocampalLayers] = getHippocampalLayers(); end rippleChannel = hippocampalLayers.bestShankLayers.pyramidal; end if isempty(SWChannel) if ~isempty(dir([,'.hippocampalLayers.channelinfo.mat'])) file = dir([,'.hippocampalLayers.channelinfo.mat']); load(; else [hippocampalLayers] = getHippocampalLayers(); end SWChannel = hippocampalLayers.bestShankLayers.radiatum; end if removeRipplesStimulation && ~isempty(dir('*')) targetFile = dir('*'); load(; restrict_temp = SubtractIntervals([0 Inf],optoPulses.stimulationEpochs); restrict = ConsolidateIntervals([restrict; restrict_temp]); end if useCSD disp('Computing CSD...'); rippleChannel = computeCSD([],'channels',rippleChannel); end if isempty(frequency) frequency = session.extracellular.srLfp; end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Computing Ripples %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ripples = findRipples(rippleChannel,'thresholds',thresholds,'passband',passband,... 'EMGThresh',EMGThresh,'durations',durations, 'saveMat',false,'restrict',restrict,'frequency',frequency); if removeRipplesStimulation try % Remove ripples durting stimulation artifacts if ~isempty(dir('*')) f = dir('*'); disp('Using stimulation periods from file'); load(; pulPeriods = optoPulses.stimulationEpochs; elseif ~isempty(dir('')) f = dir('*'); disp('Using stimulation periods from file'); load(; pulPeriods = pulses.intsPeriods; else warning('No pulses epochs detected!'); end nBefore = length(ripples.peaks); for i = 1:size(pulPeriods,1) a = InIntervals(ripples.peaks,pulPeriods(i,:)); fieldsR = fields(ripples); for j = 1:size(fieldsR,1) if ~isstruct(ripples.(fieldsR{j})) && size(ripples.(fieldsR{j}),1) > 3 ripples.(fieldsR{j})(a,:) = []; end end end fprintf('%3.i/%3.i events during stimulation, discarted... \n',nBefore-length(ripples.peaks), nBefore); %\n catch warning('Not possible to remove ripples during stimulation epochs...'); end end ripples = removeArtifactsFromEvents(ripples,'stdThreshold',stdThreshold); if isnumeric(eventSpikeThreshold) || eventSpikeThreshold if islogical(eventSpikeThreshold) eventSpikeThreshold = 1; end ripples = eventSpikingTreshold(ripples,[],'spikingThreshold',eventSpikeThreshold); end plotRippleChannel('rippleChannel',rippleChannel,'ripples',ripples); % to do, run this after ripple detection % EventExplorer(pwd, ripples) %% Ripple Stats if rippleStats ripples = computeRippleStats('ripples',ripples,'rippleChannel',rippleChannel); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Computing SharpWaves %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% try SW = findSharpWaves('ripples',ripples,'rippleChannel',rippleChannel,'SWChannel',SWChannel,... 'passband',passband,'SWpassband',SWpassband); catch disp('Not possible to compute Sharp Waves...'); end %% OUTPUT if saveMat disp('Saving Ripples Results...'); save([ , ''],'ripples'); try disp('Saving SharpWaves Results...'); save([ , ''],'SW'); catch end end end