System = Amplipex KJE-1001 Amplitude range max = 5 Amplitude range min = -5 File length (Amplipex clock (sec) = 9031.1 File size (bytes) = 23480860000 Filename = D:/DataYuta/YutaMouse20/YutaMouse20-140327/YutaMouse20-140327-05.dat Gain = 400 Number of recorded channels = 65 Recording start date = Thu Mar 27 2014 Recording start time = 14:33:38 Sampling rate = 20000 Sha1 code for file = bc713917ede5480ffe29a1552f1982383f99763e TimeStamp of the end of recording (computer clock - ms) = 196099288 TimeStamp of the start of recording (computer clock - ms) = 187068897