EXPERIMENT_NAME = '/zpool/tingley/DT5/20161103_2124um_2232um_merge/1/20161103_2124um_2232um_merge_sh1' RAW_DATA_FILES=['/zpool/tingley/DT5/20161103_2124um_2232um_merge/20161103_2124um_2232um_merge.dat'] PRB_FILE = '1.prb' """Contain default parameters.""" NCHANNELS = 96 sample_rate = 20000. NBITS = 16 VOLTAGE_GAIN = 10. WAVEFORMS_NSAMPLES = 32 assert sample_rate > 0 # Filtering # --------- filter_low = 500. # Low pass frequency (Hz) filter_high = 0.95 * .5 * sample_rate filter_butter_order = 3 # Order of Butterworth filter. # Chunks # ------ chunk_size = int(1. * sample_rate) # 1 second chunk_overlap = int(.015 * sample_rate) # 15 ms # Saving raw/filtered data # ------------------------ save_raw = False save_high = False save_low = False # Spike detection # --------------- # Uniformly scattered chunks, for computing the threshold from the std of the # signal across the whole recording. nexcerpts = 60 excerpt_size = int(1. * sample_rate) use_single_threshold = False threshold_strong_std_factor = 4.5 threshold_weak_std_factor = 2. detect_spikes = 'negative' # Connected component # ------------------- connected_component_join_size = int(.00005 * sample_rate) # Spike extraction # ---------------- extract_s_before = 16 extract_s_after = 16 # Features # -------- nfeatures_per_channel = 6 # Number of features per channel. pca_nwaveforms_max = 20000 features_contiguous = True # Whether to make the features array contiguous # Put a NumPy array here if you don't want the PCs to be computed # automatically from the filtered waveforms. This is normally obtained with # compute_pcs(waveforms, npcs=npcs). This array size should be # (npcs, nsamples, nchannels). canonical_pcs = None #Waveform alignment # ----------------- weight_power = 2 # DEBUG: diagnostics # ------------------ # Full path to a debug script. diagnostics_path = None