29-Oct-2019 14:54:50 function [ripples] = bz_DetectSWR(Channels, varargin) % bz_DetectSWR Detect Sharp Wave Ripple in epochs of continuous data. This % code is designed for linear probes, with at least one shank % that simultaneously records across the pyramidal cell layer % i.e. the superficial contacts record the ripple and at % least the deepest contact records the Sharp Wave (see the % .png files within the bz_DetectSWR for examples). % |o | % | o| <-- superficial channels record ripple % |o | % | o| % |o | % | o| % |o | % | o| <-- deep channels record Sharp Wave % \ / % \ / % . % Before running this reocord inspect your .lfp or .lfp file % to find that shank which best shows the sharp wave/ripple % profile across the shank e.g. Channels = 25:32. % % USE CASES % 1) uses default parameters % detected_swr = bz_DetectSWR( Filebase, Channels, Epochs ) % % 2) supply parameters as a structure with fields an values % detected_swr = bz_DetectSWR( ..., options ) % % 3) supply parameters as Property/Value pairs % detected_swr = bz_DetectSWR( ..., 'swBP', [2 50], 'WinSize', 300, etc. ) % Filtering routines adapted from 'detect_hfos' by Eran Stark % % NOTE: -see MEMORY CHECK for how this routine handles potential memory % overflows associated with reading in large field potential files % a.k.a how I try to avoid running over into swap files % % -If you would like to see how the detector performs against a hand % labeled .evt file you created: name the .evt file Filebase.rip.evt % with events 'start' and 'stop'. % % -To improve detection, statistical thresholds are set using a local % window around each putative detection. This means global changes in % SWR and ripple magnitude aren't documented. Though, in exchange, this % routine is robust to non-stationarities in the data. % % author: John D. Long II, PhD contact: jlong29@gmail.com % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% INPUTS AND FREE PARAMETERS %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Channels: an array of two channel IDs following LoadBinary format (base 1) % First RIPPLE channel, and second the SHARP WAVE channel. % Detection in based on these order, please be careful % E.g. [1 11] % % All following inputs are optional: % % basepath: full path where session is located (default pwd) % e.g. /mnt/Data/buddy140_060813_reo/buddy140_060813_reo % % Epochs: a list of time stamps [start stop] in seconds demarcating % epochs in which to detect SWR. If this argument is empty, % the entire .lfp/.lfp file will be used. % % saveMat: logical (default=false) to save in buzcode format % % forceDetect true or false to force detection (avoid load previous % detection, default false) % % swBP: [low high], passband for filtering sharp wave activity % % ripBP: [low high] passband for filtering around ripple activity % % per_thresswD: a threshold placed upon the sharp wave difference magnitude % of the candidate SWR cluster determined via k-means. % per_thresRip: a threshold placed upon ripple power based upon the non-SWR % cluster determined via k-means. % % WinSize: window size in milliseconds for non-overlapping detections % % Ns_chk: sets a window [-Ns_chk, Ns_chk] in seconds around a % candidate SWR detection for estimating local statistics. % % thresSDswD: [low high], high is a threshold in standard deviations upon % the detected maximum sharp wave difference magnitude, based % upon the local distribution. low is the cutoff for the % feature around the detected peak for determining the % duration of the event, also based upon the local % distribution. % % thresSDrip: [low high], high is a threshold in standard deviations upon % the detected maximum ripple magnitude, based % upon the local distribution. low is the cutoff for the % feature around the detected peak for determining the % duration of the event, also based upon the local % distribution. % minIsi: a threshold setting the minimum time between detections in % seconds. % % minDurSW: a threshold setting the minimum duration of a localized % sharp-wave event. % % maxDurSW: a threshold setting the maximum duration of a localized % sharp-wave event. % % minDurRP: a threshold setting the minimum duration of a localized % ripple event associated with a sharp-wave. % % EVENTFILE: boolean, a flag that triggers whether or not to write out % an event file corresponding to the detections (for % inspection in neuroscope). % % FIGS: boolean, a flag that allows the user to output a figure % detailing the final clustering of the features and SWR % % TRAINING: boolean, a flag for processing labeled training data % supplied by the user. % % DEBUG: boolean, a flag that triggers the program to output an % additional set of figures and information. % % MAXGIGS: the maximum number of GIGABYTES this % % noPrompts true/false disable any user prompts (default: true) % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% OUTPUTS %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % detected_swr: structure with fields % % .timestamps : Nx2, Start and end timestamps of each SWR % .peaks : Nx1, trough nearest to peak power of ripple timestamp % of each SWR % .peakNormedPower : Peak power values of each SWR % .detectorName : Name of this function % .stdev : Standard deviation used to threshold ripple power % .SwMax : Sharp-wave magnitude [zscore "local empirical percentile"] % .RipMax : Ripple magnitude [zscore "local empirical percentile"] % .detectorinfo : a structure with fields corresponding to all the % parameters used in the analysis % % OPTIONAL % event file: an event file formatted as filename.R01.evt that is % compatible with neuroscope for inspecting detections % [peak start stop] % % The analysis also writes out log file (.txt) containing the code used. % % DEPENDENCIES: all the major routines are contained within the associated % private folder. All should need to do is add the bz_DetectSWR % folder to your path. One of the training processes runs % linear discriminant analysis on the joint and marginal % spaces of the features. There is a statistics toolbox % dependency, R2013a, which I believe requires different % commands in later versions. I can update this if this % routine becomes widely used. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% SET DEFAULT FREE PARAMETERS %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% p = inputParser; addParameter(p, 'basepath', pwd, @isstr); addParameter(p, 'Epochs', [], @isnumeric); addParameter(p, 'saveMat', true, @islogical); addParameter(p, 'forceDetect', false, @islogical); addParameter(p, 'swBP', [ 2 50 ], @isnumeric); addParameter(p, 'ripBP', [ 80 250 ], @isnumeric); addParameter(p, 'per_thresswD', 10, @isnumeric); % percentile addParameter(p, 'per_thresRip', 50, @isnumeric); % percentile addParameter(p, 'WinSize', 200, @isnumeric); % ms addParameter(p, 'Ns_chk', 5, @isnumeric); % seconds addParameter(p, 'thresSDswD', [0.5 2.5], @isnumeric); % standard deviations addParameter(p, 'thresSDrip', [0.5 2.5], @isnumeric); % standard deviations addParameter(p, 'minIsi', 0.10, @isnumeric); % seconds addParameter(p, 'minDurSW', 0.02, @isnumeric); % seconds addParameter(p, 'maxDurSW', 0.5, @isnumeric); % seconds addParameter(p, 'minDurRP', 0.025, @isnumeric); % seconds addParameter(p, 'EVENTFILE', true, @islogical); addParameter(p, 'FIGS', false, @islogical); addParameter(p, 'TRAINING', false, @islogical); addParameter(p, 'DEBUG', false, @islogical); addParameter(p, 'MAXGIGS', 16, @isnumeric); % GigaBytes addParameter(p, 'noPrompts', true, @islogical); parse(p,varargin{:}); basepath = p.Results.basepath; Epochs = p.Results.Epochs; saveMat = p.Results.saveMat; forceDetect = p.Results.forceDetect; swBP = p.Results.swBP; ripBP = p.Results.ripBP; per_thresswD = p.Results.per_thresswD; per_thresRip = p.Results.per_thresRip; WinSize = p.Results.WinSize; Ns_chk = p.Results.Ns_chk; thresSDswD = p.Results.thresSDswD; thresSDrip = p.Results.thresSDrip; minIsi = p.Results.minIsi; minDurSW = p.Results.minDurSW; maxDurSW = p.Results.maxDurSW; minDurRP = p.Results.minDurRP; EVENTFILE = p.Results.EVENTFILE; FIGS = p.Results.FIGS; TRAINING = p.Results.TRAINING; DEBUG = p.Results.DEBUG; MAXGIGS = p.Results.MAXGIGS; noPrompts = p.Results.noPrompts; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% IF RIPPLES ALREADY FOUND %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% sessionInfo = bz_getSessionInfo(basepath, 'noPrompts', noPrompts); if exist([sessionInfo.FileName '.ripples.events.mat'],'file') && ~forceDetect disp('Ripples already detected! Loading file...'); load([sessionInfo.FileName '.ripples.events.mat']); return end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% INPUT CHECKS %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% mfname = mfilename; % 1) fileabase % user might have input an absolute or relative path Filebase = bz_BasenameFromBasepath(basepath); [pathname, filename, extname] = fileparts(Filebase); if isempty(pathname) pathname = pwd; end % check whether user provided a file extension if isempty(extname) filechk = dir([Filebase '.xml']); if isempty(filechk) error(['%s: incompatible format for 1st argument (Filebase)\n', ... '\tIf user supplied a relative path, the .xml and all\n', ... '\trelevant files must be in the current directory.\n'],mfname); end else filechk = dir(Filebase); if isempty(filechk) error(['%s: incompatible format for 1st argument (Filebase)\n', ... '\tIf user supplied a relative path, the .xml and all\n', ... '\trelevant files must be in the current directory.\n'],mfname); end end Filebase = [pathname filesep filename]; % Read in xml of file parameters fprintf(1, 'Loading XML file...\n'); par = LoadXml( [Filebase '.xml'] ); % pull parameters from .xml file SR = par.lfpSampleRate; % lfp sampling rate nChan = par.nChannels; % number of channels in the recording % 2) Channels if ~all(Channels > 0 & Channels <= nChan) % corrected by AFR error(['%s: incompatible input for 2nd argument (Channels)\n', ... '\tAccording to the .xml file, the user did not supply\n', ... '\ta valid list of channels.\n'],mfname); end Nchan = length(Channels); % Access lfp looking for an .lfp file first and a .lfp file second if ~isempty(dir([Filebase '.lfp'])) lfp_file = [Filebase '.lfp']; lfp_info = dir(lfp_file); elseif ~isempty(dir([Filebase '.lfp'])) lfp_file = [Filebase '.lfp']; lfp_info = dir(lfp_file); else error(['%s: Field potential file could not be found\n', ... '\tThere is neither a .lfp nor a .lfp file matching the\n', ... '\tbase name of the directory supplied by the user.\n'],mfname); end % 3) Epochs if nargin < 3 || isempty(Epochs) % use the whole recording if no restrictions supplied by user fprintf( 1, '%s: Using Default Epochs:\n', mfname ); fprintf( 1, '\tNo Epochs supplied by user. Using the whole recording.\n'); Epochs = [1/SR lfp_info.bytes/(2*nChan*SR)]; elseif ~all(Epochs(:,1) < Epochs(:,2)) || ... ~all(Epochs(:) > 0 & Epochs(:) < lfp_info.bytes/(2*nChan*SR)) || ... size(Epochs,2) > 2 error(['%s: Epochs are not formatted properly:\n', ... '\tEpochs must be formatted as a list of [start stop] times in seconds.\n'], mfname); end Nepochs = size(Epochs,1); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% MEMORY CHECK %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % This routine requires 4*NumberOfChannelsRequested + 2 GigaBytes. % This estimate includes memory used to copy the inputs into functions (my % kingdom for a pointer!). if isfield(par,'nBits') ByteConversion = 64/par.nBits; % (double in Bytes)/(nBits -> Bytes) else ByteConversion = 4; end BytesPerChan = (lfp_info.bytes/nChan)*ByteConversion; GigsRequested = (4*BytesPerChan*Nchan + 2*BytesPerChan)/(1024^3); if GigsRequested > MAXGIGS error(['%s: Too much memory requested\n', ... '\tThe user requested %4.1f GigaBytes and the maximum\n', ... '\tcurrently allowed is set by the variable MAXGIGS at %4.1f GigaBytes.\n', ... '\tIf your system can handle more memory, increase the value of MAXGIGS.\n'],mfname,GigsRequested,MAXGIGS); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if TRAINING % Access hand labeled ripple events and convert to seconds fprintf( 1, 'Loading Labeled Event File for Training...\n'); training_rip = [Filebase '.rip.evt']; if isempty(dir(training_rip)) error(['%s: Training Event file could not be found\n', ... '\tThere is not an event file "Filebase.rip.evt" in \n', ... '\tthe directory supplied by the user.\n'],mfname); end ripfile = fopen(training_rip,'r'); % count the number of lines in the file and rewind count = 0; while ischar(fgetl(ripfile)) count = count + 1; end frewind(ripfile); % Access ripple events and convert to seconds [start, stop] if mod(count,2) fclose(ripfile); error('Check your event file: you should have start/stop pairs, but you have an odd number of lines'); end % Parse event file to pull out hand labeled start/stop event pairs rippleTs = zeros(count/2,2); count = 1; while 1 tline = fgetl(ripfile); if ~ischar(tline), break, end if strfind(tline,'start') ws = regexp(tline,'\s'); rippleTs(round(count/2),1) = str2double(tline(1:ws-1))/1000; elseif strfind(tline,'stop') ws = regexp(tline,'\s'); rippleTs(round(count/2),2) = str2double(tline(1:ws-1))/1000; end count = count + 1; end fclose(ripfile); % For each ripple, I will select a segment of lfp data of the same length, % that does not include a ripple. I will use these paired samples for % comparison. nonrippleTs = zeros(size(rippleTs)); counter = 0; % for each trial, find the labeled ripples contained fprintf( 1, 'Parsing non-ripple paired samples...\n'); for ii = 1:Nepochs ripples = find(rippleTs(:,1) > Epochs(ii,1) & rippleTs(:,1) < Epochs(ii,2)); if isempty(ripples) continue end % for each ripple within this trial, select a corresponding nonripple % segment, checking to make sure it doesn't overlap with any ripples % within that trial. Trip = rippleTs(ripples,:); Nrip = length(ripples); nonripTmp = zeros(Nrip,2); nonripTmp(:,1) = (Epochs(ii,2)-Epochs(ii,1))*rand(Nrip,1) + Epochs(ii,1); nonripTmp(:,2) = nonripTmp(:,1) + diff(Trip,[],2); % Check nonripple segments for overlap with ripple segments and each % other flags = true(Nrip,1); inds = 1:Nrip; while any(flags) for jj = inds if flags(jj) % Concatenate all nonripples and all ripple times, % excluding the one under inspection. if Nrip > 1 temp = nonripTmp; temp(jj,:) = []; % exclude current nonripple Temp = zeros(2*Nrip - 1,2); Temp(1:Nrip - 1,:) = temp; Temp(Nrip:end,:) = Trip; else Temp = Trip; end % Check for overlap between current "nonripple" and ripples % and other "nonripples" if isempty(find(nonripTmp(jj,1) > Temp(:,1) & nonripTmp(jj,1) < Temp(:,2),1)) && ... isempty(find(nonripTmp(jj,2) > Temp(:,1) & nonripTmp(jj,2) < Temp(:,2),1)) % log nonripple nonrippleTs(counter+inds(jj),:) = nonripTmp(jj,:); flags(jj) = 0; else % Resample nonripTmp(jj,1) = (Epochs(ii,2)-Epochs(ii,1))*rand + Epochs(ii,1); nonripTmp(jj,2) = nonripTmp(jj,1) + diff(Trip(jj,:)); % set all flags to true to double check that this % resample didn't result in overlap flags = true(Nrip,1); end end end end % increment counter counter = counter + Nrip; end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% ESTIMATE LFP FEATURES: START %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % As a consession to memory usage, I interleave loading of field potential % variables, and extracting segments in the case of training data. % load lfp file fprintf( 1, 'Loading LFP file...\n'); lfp = LoadBinary(lfp_file,'frequency',SR,'nChannels',nChan,... 'channels',Channels); % filter for sharp wave using Eran's routines and compute SW diff feature hSw1 = makegausslpfir( swBP(1), SR, 6 ); hSw2 = makegausslpfir( swBP(2), SR, 6 ); lfpLow = firfilt( lfp, hSw2 ); % lowpass filter eegLo = firfilt( lfpLow, hSw1 ); % highpass filter % lfpLow = lfpLow -.lfpLo; % difference of Gaussians % clear .lfpLo %DL: not sure what this '.' was doing here... lfpLow = lfpLow - eegLo; % difference of Gaussians clear eegLo swDiff = lfpLow(:,1) - lfpLow(:,end); if TRAINING % Extract ripple and paired non-ripple segments from lfp fprintf( 1,'Training: Extracting Paired Segments of lfp, lfpLow, and swDiff...\n'); % convert timestamps to samples rippleSamp = floor(rippleTs*SR); nonrippleSamp = floor(nonrippleTs*SR); % cut out ripple and paired non-ripple segments pairs0 = cell(counter,2); pairs1 = cell(counter,2); pairs2 = cell(counter,2); for ii = 1:counter pairs0{ii,1} = lfp(rippleSamp(ii,1):rippleSamp(ii,2),:); pairs0{ii,2} = lfp(nonrippleSamp(ii,1):nonrippleSamp(ii,2),:); pairs1{ii,1} = lfpLow(rippleSamp(ii,1):rippleSamp(ii,2),:); pairs1{ii,2} = lfpLow(nonrippleSamp(ii,1):nonrippleSamp(ii,2),:); pairs2{ii,1} = swDiff(rippleSamp(ii,1):rippleSamp(ii,2),1); pairs2{ii,2} = swDiff(nonrippleSamp(ii,1):nonrippleSamp(ii,2),1); end end clear lfpLow % I made 2 changes to Eran's defaults for ripple processing: % 1) I subtract the across channel mean from each channel prior to % filtering % 2) After subtracting, filtering, envelope, powerwin, and take the maximum % across all channels at each time point as the ripple power. % filter and process ripples, using Eran's defaults (diff of Gaussians) hRip1 = makegausslpfir( ripBP( 1 ), SR, 6 ); hRip2 = makegausslpfir( ripBP( 2 ), SR, 6 ); % subtract mean before filtering lfpM = lfp - int16(repmat(mean(lfp,2),[1 Nchan])); %clear lfp rip = firfilt( lfpM, hRip2 ); % highpass filter clear lfpM eegLo = firfilt( rip, hRip1 ); % lowpass filter % rip = rip -.lfpLo; % difference of gaussians % clear.lfpLo rip = rip - eegLo; % difference of gaussians clear eegLo ripWindow = pi / mean( ripBP ); powerWin = makegausslpfir( 1 / ripWindow, SR, 6 ); rip = abs(rip); ripPower0 = firfilt( rip, powerWin ); ripPower0 = max(ripPower0,[],2); clear rip if TRAINING % Extract ripple and paired non-ripple segments from lfp fprintf( 1,'Training: Extracting Paired Segments of ripple Power...\n'); % cut out ripple and paired non-ripple segments pairs3 = cell(counter,2); for ii = 1:counter pairs3{ii,1} = ripPower0(rippleSamp(ii,1):rippleSamp(ii,2),1); pairs3{ii,2} = ripPower0(nonrippleSamp(ii,1):nonrippleSamp(ii,2),1); end if DEBUG % Inspect paired segements figure('Position',get(0,'ScreenSize')) % Examine pairs, including low pass filtered data for ii = 1:counter set(gcf,'Name',sprintf('SWR Pair %d',ii)) for jj = 1:Nchan h1 = subplot(Nchan + 2, 2, 2*jj - 1); ... plot(pairs0{ii,1}(:,jj)), hold on plot(pairs1{ii,1}(:,jj),'r'), hold off ylims1 = get(h1,'ylim'); h2 = subplot(Nchan + 2, 2, 2*jj); ... plot(pairs0{ii,2}(:,jj)), hold on plot(pairs1{ii,2}(:,jj),'r'), hold off ylims2 = get(h2,'ylim'); if jj == 1 set(get(h1,'title'),'string','Labeled SWR') set(get(h2,'title'),'string','Paired Non-SWR sample') end set(h1,'ylim',[min([ylims1(1) ylims2(1)]) max([ylims1(2) ylims2(2)])]) set(h2,'ylim',[min([ylims1(1) ylims2(1)]) max([ylims1(2) ylims2(2)])]) end h3 = subplot(Nchan + 2, 2, 2*Nchan + 1); plot(pairs2{ii,1},'b'), hold off ylims3 = get(h3,'ylim'); ylabel('SW Diff') h4 = subplot(Nchan + 2, 2, 2*Nchan + 2); plot(pairs2{ii,2},'r'), hold off ylims4 = get(h4,'ylim'); h5 = subplot(Nchan + 2, 2, 2*(Nchan + 1) + 1); plot(pairs3{ii,1},'b'), hold off ylims5 = get(h5,'ylim'); ylabel('Ripple Power') h6 = subplot(Nchan + 2, 2, 2*(Nchan + 1) + 2); plot(pairs3{ii,2},'r'), hold off ylims6 = get(h6,'ylim'); set(h3,'ylim',[min([ylims3(1) ylims4(1)]) max([ylims3(2) ylims4(2)])]) set(h4,'ylim',[min([ylims3(1) ylims4(1)]) max([ylims3(2) ylims4(2)])]) set(h5,'ylim',[min([ylims5(1) ylims6(1)]) max([ylims5(2) ylims6(2)])]) set(h6,'ylim',[min([ylims5(1) ylims6(1)]) max([ylims5(2) ylims6(2)])]) drawnow pause(.1) end end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% ESTIMATE LFP FEATURES: END %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if TRAINING fprintf(1,'Estimating Performance on Training Data...\n'); % Assess how informative these features are for detection % as a first pass, I will take the max of each feature with each paired % sample window swDiffMax = zeros(counter,2); ripPowerMax = zeros(counter,2); for ii = 1:counter swDiffMax(ii,1) = max(pairs2{ii,1}); swDiffMax(ii,2) = max(pairs2{ii,2}); ripPowerMax(ii,1) = max(pairs3{ii,1}); ripPowerMax(ii,2) = max(pairs3{ii,2}); end % Calculate marginal histograms [n1a, ctr1a] = hist(swDiffMax(:,1),40); [n1b, ctr1b] = hist(swDiffMax(:,2),40); [n2a, ctr2a] = hist(ripPowerMax(:,1),40); [n2b, ctr2b] = hist(ripPowerMax(:,2),40); % run a basic k-means clustering and evaluate performance [idx,Ctrs] = kmeans([swDiffMax(:) ripPowerMax(:)],2); labels = [ones(counter,1);2*ones(counter,1)]; scores = logical(idx == labels); % let's run a linear discriminant analysis on the joint and marginal spaces % (requires the statistics toolbox, R2013a, I believe the commands change % in later versions) FeaturesAll = [swDiffMax(:) ripPowerMax(:)]; cls1 = ClassificationDiscriminant.fit(FeaturesAll,labels); % joint cls2 = ClassificationDiscriminant.fit(FeaturesAll(:,1),labels); % swDiff cls3 = ClassificationDiscriminant.fit(FeaturesAll(:,2),labels); % rip Power % access performance on training data perf0 = 100 - ((resubLoss(cls1)*cls1.NObservations)/cls1.NObservations)*100; perf1 = 100 - ((resubLoss(cls2)*cls2.NObservations)/cls2.NObservations)*100; perf2 = 100 - ((resubLoss(cls3)*cls3.NObservations)/cls3.NObservations)*100; % For the unsupervised case, I'll set thresholds for ripple power % and sharp wave difference magnitude according to thresholds upon the % empirical distributions. This requires I map the probabilities of one % cluster to that of the other. x = ripPowerMax(:,1); [Fi,xi] = ecdf(x); n = length(x); xj = xi(2:end); Fj = (Fi(1:end-1)+Fi(2:end))/2; xj = [xj(1)-Fj(1)*(xj(2)-xj(1))/((Fj(2)-Fj(1))); xj; xj(n)+(1-Fj(n))*((xj(n)-xj(n-1))/(Fj(n)-Fj(n-1)))]; Fj = [0; Fj; 1]; if DEBUG figure('Name','Empirical Cumulative Probability Distribution') stairs(xi,Fi,'r'); hold on plot(xj,Fj,'b-'); hold off end % Map the Nth percentile in the non-SWR cluster to the Pth in the SWR % cluster. per_thres = 50; per_corr = 100*interp1(xj,Fj,prctile(ripPowerMax(:,2),per_thres)); % Main Figure in the case of hand labeled training data % close all figure('Color','w'), string = sprintf(['Sharp Wave Difference vs. Ripple Power\n',... 'Mean subtraction before filter\n', ... 'Max at each time point is taken for ripple power']); % Joint space of SWR difference and ripple power h1 = subplot(2,2,2); plot(swDiffMax(:,1), ripPowerMax(:,1),'.b'), hold on plot(swDiffMax(:,2), ripPowerMax(:,2),'.r'), hold on axis([min(swDiffMax(:)) max(swDiffMax(:)) 0 max(ripPowerMax(:))]) % LDA coefficients K1 = cls1.Coeffs(1,2).Const; L1 = cls1.Coeffs(1,2).Linear; % LDA function f1 = @(x1,x2) K1 + L1(1)*x1 + L1(2)*x2; % Percentile threshold line(get(h1,'xlim'), repmat(prctile(ripPowerMax(:,1),per_corr), [1 2]), ... 'linestyle','--','color','k') l0 = ezplot(h1,f1,[get(h1,'xlim') get(h1,'ylim')]); set(l0, 'Color','g','linewidth',2) title(h1,string,'fontsize',12) legend('SWR','~SWR','Location','NorthEastOutside') xlabel('Sharp Wave Diff','fontsize',12) ylabel('Ripple Power','fontsize',12) set(h1,'fontsize',12) % Marginal Space of Sharp Wave Difference h2 = subplot(2,2,4); bar(ctr1a,-n1a,1,'b'), hold on, bar(ctr1b,-n1b,1,'r'), ... axis([min(swDiffMax(:)) max(swDiffMax(:)) -max([n1a n1b])*1.1 0]), % LDA coefficients K2 = cls2.Coeffs(1,2).Const; L2 = cls2.Coeffs(1,2).Linear; % LDA function f2 = @(x1,x2) K2 + L2(1)*x1; l1 = ezplot(h2,f2,[get(h2,'xlim') get(h2,'ylim')]); set(l1, 'Color','g','linewidth',2) title('') xlabel('') ylabel('') axis('off'), % Marginal Space of Ripple Power h3 = subplot(2,2,1); barh(ctr2a,-n2a,1,'b'), hold on, barh(ctr2b,-n2b,1,'r'), ... axis([-max([n2a n2b])*1.1 0 min(ripPowerMax(:)) max(ripPowerMax(:))]) % LDA coefficients K3 = cls3.Coeffs(1,2).Const; L3 = cls3.Coeffs(1,2).Linear; % LDA function f3 = @(x2,x1) K3 + L3(1)*x1; % note the flip in x and y l2 = ezplot(h3,f3,[get(h3,'xlim') get(h3,'ylim')]); set(l2, 'Color','g','linewidth',2) title('') xlabel('') ylabel('') axis('off'), set(h1,'Position',[0.25 0.35 0.55 0.55]); set(h2,'Position',[.25 .1 .55 .15]); set(h3,'Position',[.05 .35 .15 .55]); string = sprintf(['K-means Clustering:\n', ... ' Center1: X = %7.2f, Y = %7.2f\n', ... ' Center2: X = %7.2f, Y = %7.2f\n', ... ' Performance = %4.1f percent\n\n', ... 'LDA, joint space:\n',... ' Performance = %4.1f percent\n\n', ... 'LDA, 1D SW Diff:\n',... ' Performance = %4.1f percent\n\n', ... 'LDA, 1D Ripple Power:\n',... ' Performance = %4.1f percent\n\n', ... '%dth percentile of ~SWR corresponds to\n%3.1fth percentile of SWR'], ... Ctrs(1,1),Ctrs(1,2),Ctrs(2,1),Ctrs(2,2), ... (sum(scores)/numel(scores))*100,perf0,perf1,perf2,per_thres,per_corr); annotation('textbox',[0.81 0.70 .1 .1],'String',string, ... 'edgecolor','none','fontsize',12) end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% DETECT SWR EVENTS %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % I take the max of the sharp waves in non-overlapping windows. Once a % maximum in the sharp wave is detected, the maximum ripple power around % that detected is logged. % Specifically, maximum detection is with reference to the Sharp Wave. If a % 3 point maximum is detected for the sharp wave feature, then a maximum % for the ripple power is also logged for that detection within a window % around sharp wave detection. % This first pass is permissive: it is just detecting maxima without % regards for magnitude WinSize = floor((WinSize*SR)/1000); %#ok % window in samples HalfWinSize = floor(WinSize/2); % for logging ripple power around SW % for each trial, block features into windows % first pass, just count blocks for pre-allocating memory Nblocks = 0; for ii = 1:Nepochs epoch_inds = floor(Epochs(ii,:)*SR); blocks = epoch_inds(1):WinSize:epoch_inds(2); Nblocks = Nblocks + numel(blocks)-1; end % Second pass populates values swDiffAll = zeros(Nblocks,1); ripPowerAll = zeros(Nblocks,1); % In samples at SR featureTs = zeros(Nblocks,1); MaxCounter = 0; for ii = 1:Nepochs epoch_inds = floor(Epochs(ii,:)*SR); blocks = epoch_inds(1):WinSize:epoch_inds(2); for jj = 1:length(blocks)-1 %Find the maximum sharp-wave power in the block [tempswDiff,ind0] = max(swDiff(blocks(jj):blocks(jj+1)-1,1)); % Transform from sample within block to sample within record maxSample = blocks(jj) + ind0 - 1; % If the maximum is detected on the edges of the window, run a 3 % point max check over the boundaries to resolve edge effect if (ind0 == 1 || ind0 == WinSize) % Check boundaries and then check for 3 point max if (maxSample == 1) || (maxSample == size(swDiff,1)) % Don't use the boundaries of the recording continue else % Check for 3 point maximum [~, maxchk] = max([swDiff(maxSample - 1,1) ... swDiff(maxSample,1) ... swDiff(maxSample + 1,1)]); if abs(2 - maxchk) > 0 % This is not a maximum continue end end end % Log features MaxCounter = MaxCounter + 1; featureTs(MaxCounter) = maxSample; swDiffAll(MaxCounter) = tempswDiff; %ripPowerAll(MaxCounter) = max(ripPower0(maxSample-HalfWinSize:maxSample+HalfWinSize,1)); %added by aza to detect very long if (maxSample-HalfWinSize)<1 ripPowerAll(MaxCounter) = max(ripPower0(1:maxSample+HalfWinSize,1)); else %aza try ripPowerAll(MaxCounter) = max(ripPower0(maxSample-HalfWinSize:maxSample+HalfWinSize,1)); catch ripPowerAll(MaxCounter) = max(ripPower0(maxSample-10:maxSample+10,1)); end end end featureTs = featureTs(1:MaxCounter); swDiffAll = swDiffAll(1:MaxCounter); ripPowerAll = ripPowerAll(1:MaxCounter); % run a basic k-means clustering to partition SWR from ~SWR [idx,Ctrs] = kmeans([swDiffAll(:) ripPowerAll(:)],2); % we know there will be far fewer SWR than not, so let's assign idx1 to % the cluster with the fewest members i.e. SWR if sum(idx == 1) > sum(idx == 2) idx1 = logical(idx == 1); idx2 = logical(idx == 2); % reverse labels temp = idx1; idx1 = idx2; idx2 = temp; clear temp else idx1 = logical(idx == 1); idx2 = logical(idx == 2); end % For the unsupervised case, I'll set thresholds for ripple power % and sharp wave difference magnitude according to thresholds upon the % empirical distributions. if TRAINING fprintf(1,'Estimating Precision and Recall surfaces for features...'); % Construct Precision/Recall surfaces thresL_swDs = 0:5:100; thresL_Rips = 0:5:100; % Calculate precision/recall values if labeled data is supplied % precision: true_positive / (true_positive + false_positive) % recall: true_positive / (true_positive + false_negative) Precision = zeros([length(thresL_swDs) length(thresL_Rips)]); Recall = zeros([length(thresL_swDs) length(thresL_Rips)]); for jj = 1:length(thresL_swDs) for kk = 1:length(thresL_Rips) per_thresswDt = thresL_swDs(jj); per_thresRipt = thresL_Rips(kk); % Sharp Wave Difference: set a lower cutoff in terms of percentiles thresL_swD = prctile(swDiffAll(idx1),per_thresswDt); % Map the Nth percentile in the non-SWR cluster to the Pth in the SWR % cluster. thresL_Rip = prctile(ripPowerAll(idx2,1),per_thresRipt); % retain SWR candidates according to clustering and thresholds SWRind = idx1 & swDiffAll > thresL_swD & ripPowerAll > thresL_Rip; % convert featureTs to seconds featureTsS = featureTs*1/SR; SWRs = featureTsS(SWRind); TP = 0; % true positive FP = 0; % false positive hits = false(size(rippleTs,1),1); for ii = 1:length(SWRs) chk = SWRs(ii) > rippleTs(:,1) & SWRs(ii) < rippleTs(:,2); if sum(chk) < 1 FP = FP + 1; else % exclude duplicates if any(hits & chk) continue end TP = TP + 1; hits = hits | chk; end end FN = sum(~hits); % false negatives Precision(jj,kk) = TP / (TP + FP); Recall(jj,kk) = TP / (TP + FN); end end figure, subplot(121),imagesc(Precision), xlabel('thresL rip'),ylabel('thresL swD'),title('Precision'), set(gca,'ytick',1:2:21) set(gca,'yticklabel',0:10:100) set(gca,'xtick',1:2:21) set(gca,'xticklabel',0:10:100) colorbar axis square subplot(122),imagesc(Recall), xlabel('thresL rip'),ylabel('thresL swD'),title('Recall'), set(gca,'ytick',1:2:21) set(gca,'yticklabel',0:10:100) set(gca,'xtick',1:2:21) set(gca,'xticklabel',0:10:100) colorbar axis square end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% LOCALIZING EVENTS %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Localize events and winnow detections using the following criteria: fprintf('Localizing and Screening Detections ...\n'); % 1) detected sharp wave difference magnitude must be > thresSDswD(2) % 2) detected ripple power must be > thresSDrip(2) % 3) detections can't be within a minimum inter-event threshold % 4) both the detected sharp-wave and ripple power increase mubt persistent % for a minimum duration. minDurSWs = floor(minDurSW*SR); % convert to samples minDurRPs = floor(minDurRP*SR); % 5) The sharp-wave can not exceed a maximum duration maxDurSWs = floor(maxDurSW*SR); % Sharp Wave Difference: set a lower cutoff in terms of percentiles thresL_swD = prctile(swDiffAll(idx1),per_thresswD); % Set the value in the the non-SWR cluster at the Nth percentile as the % lower threshold for ripple detection thresL_Rip = prctile(ripPowerAll(idx2,1),per_thresRip); % retain SWR candidates according to clustering and thresholds SWRind = idx1 & swDiffAll > thresL_swD & ripPowerAll > thresL_Rip; SWRid = find(SWRind); % Access time-stamps of SWR features SWRs = featureTs(SWRind); Nswr = length(SWRs); % Access the subset of detections in samples to check for localization bound = Ns_chk*SR; % convert to samples % Exclude candidate SWRs that don't have a +/- bounds around them. Of % course, if you make bounds huge, or have a short recording, this will be % a problem exclusions = (SWRs - bound < 1) | (SWRs + bound > size(swDiff,1)); SWRs(exclusions) = []; SWRind(exclusions) = []; SWRid(exclusions) = []; fprintf(1,'Number of candidate SWRs excluded due to boundary constraints: %d\n',Nswr - length(SWRs)); Nswr = length(SWRs); timeline = -bound:bound; SWR_diff = [0; diff(SWRs*(1/SR))]; % in seconds % localize events SWR_valid.Ts = zeros(size(SWRs,1),3); % peak, start, stop in samples SWR_valid.SwMax = zeros(size(SWRs,1),2); % z-score & percentile SWR_valid.RipMax = zeros(size(SWRs,1),2); % z-score & percentile valid = 0; SWRindF = SWRind; if DEBUG figure end for ii = 1:Nswr if DEBUG set(gcf,'Name',sprintf('Detection # %d out of %d',ii,Nswr)) end % threshold feature distributions to localize about detection % 1) detected sharp wave difference magnitude must be > thresSD locally swDiff_chk = swDiff(SWRs(ii)-bound:SWRs(ii)+bound); MswDiff = median(swDiff_chk); SDswDiff = std(swDiff_chk); if swDiff_chk(bound+1) < MswDiff + thresSDswD(2)*SDswDiff if DEBUG disp('Sharp Wave Difference magnitude too small locally') end SWRindF(SWRid(ii)) = false; continue end % 2) detected ripple power must be > thresSD locally ripPow_chk = ripPower0(SWRs(ii)-bound:SWRs(ii)+bound); MripPow = median(ripPow_chk); SDripPow = std(ripPow_chk); if ripPowerAll(SWRid(ii)) < MripPow + thresSDrip(2)*SDripPow if DEBUG disp('Ripple Power too low locally') end SWRindF(SWRid(ii)) = false; continue end % 3) detections can't be within a minimum inter-event interval thresh if ii < Nswr if SWR_diff(ii) < minIsi if DEBUG disp('IEI is too small') end SWRindF(SWRid(ii)) = false; continue end end % Estimate duration of detected Sharp-Wave event startSWR = find(swDiff_chk(1:bound + 1) < MswDiff + thresSDswD(1)*SDswDiff,1,'last'); stopSWR = find(swDiff_chk(bound + 1: end) < MswDiff + thresSDswD(1)*SDswDiff,1,'first'); durSWR = (bound + 1 - startSWR) + stopSWR; % Estimate duration of detected ripple power increase event % find index of maximum ripple power increase around Sharp-Wave [~,maxRpInd] = max(ripPow_chk(bound+1-HalfWinSize:bound+1+HalfWinSize)); startRP = find(ripPow_chk(1:bound - HalfWinSize + maxRpInd) ... < MripPow + thresSDrip(1)*SDripPow,1,'last'); stopRP = find(ripPow_chk(bound - HalfWinSize + maxRpInd: end) ... < MripPow + thresSDrip(1)*SDripPow,1,'first'); durRP = (bound - HalfWinSize + maxRpInd - startRP) + stopRP; % 4) events associated with detections must exceed a minimum duration if durSWR < minDurSWs if DEBUG disp('Sharp-Wave Event Duration is too short.') end SWRindF(SWRid(ii)) = false; continue end if durRP < minDurRPs if DEBUG disp('Ripple Event Duration is too short.') end SWRindF(SWRid(ii)) = false; continue end % 5) sharp-wave must not exceed a maximum duration if durSWR > maxDurSWs if DEBUG disp('Sharp-Wave Event Duration is too long.') end SWRindF(SWRid(ii)) = false; continue end % We have a valid detection valid = valid + 1; SWR_valid.Ts(valid,:) = [SWRs(ii) (SWRs(ii)-(bound+1-startSWR)) (SWRs(ii)+stopSWR-1)]; swMax = swDiffAll(SWRid(ii)); ripMax = ripPowerAll(SWRid(ii)); SWR_valid.SwMax(valid,:) = ... [(swMax - MswDiff)/SDswDiff sum(swDiff_chk < swMax)/(2*bound + 1)]; SWR_valid.RipMax(valid,:) = ... [(ripMax - MripPow)/SDripPow sum(ripPow_chk < ripMax)/(2*bound + 1)]; if DEBUG h1 = subplot(2,3,[1 2]); plot(timeline,swDiff_chk), axis tight, hold on plot([timeline(startSWR) timeline(bound+stopSWR)],... [swDiff_chk(startSWR) swDiff_chk(bound+stopSWR)],'og') line([0 0],get(gca,'ylim'), ... 'linestyle','--','color','k') line(get(gca,'xlim'),repmat(MswDiff,[1 2]), ... 'linestyle','--','color','k') line(get(gca,'xlim'),repmat(MswDiff+thresSDswD(2)*SDswDiff,[1 2]),... 'linestyle','--','color','r') line(get(gca,'xlim'),repmat(MswDiff-thresSDswD(2)*SDswDiff,[1 2]), ... 'linestyle','--','color','r') xlabel('Samples'), ylabel('A.U.'), title(sprintf(['Sharp Wave Difference Magnitude\n',... 'Sharp Wave Duration:%5.1f'],durSWR*(1000/SR))), hold off subplot(2,3,3), hist(swDiff_chk,100), ... line(repmat(MswDiff+thresSDswD(2)*SDswDiff, [1 2]),get(gca,'ylim'), ... 'linestyle','--','color','k') line(repmat(swDiff_chk(bound+1), [1 2]),get(gca,'ylim'), ... 'linestyle','--','color','r') xlabel('A.U.'), ylabel('Counts') title(sprintf(['Histogram of Sharp Wave Difference Magnitude\n', ... '%3.1f SD threshold (black) and detected value (red)'],thresSDswD(2))) hold off h2 = subplot(2,3,[4 5]); plot(timeline,ripPow_chk), axis tight, hold on plot([timeline(startSWR) timeline(bound+stopSWR)],... [ripPow_chk(startSWR) ripPow_chk(bound+stopSWR)],'og') line([0 0],get(gca,'ylim'), ... 'linestyle','--','color','k') line(get(gca,'xlim'),repmat(MripPow,[1 2]), ... 'linestyle','--','color','k') line(get(gca,'xlim'),repmat(MripPow+thresSDrip(2)*SDripPow,[1 2]), ... 'linestyle','--','color','r') line(get(gca,'xlim'),repmat(MripPow-thresSDrip(2)*SDripPow,[1 2]), ... 'linestyle','--','color','r') xlabel('Samples'),ylabel('A.U.'),title('Rip Pow'), hold off subplot(2,3,6), hist(ripPow_chk,100), ... line(repmat(MripPow+thresSDrip(2)*SDripPow, [1 2]),get(gca,'ylim'), ... 'linestyle','--','color','k') line(repmat(ripPow_chk(bound+1), [1 2]),get(gca,'ylim'), ... 'linestyle','--','color','r') xlabel('A.U.'), ylabel('Counts') title(sprintf(['Histogram of Ripple Power\n', ... '%3.1f SD threshold (black) and detected value (red)'],thresSDrip(2))) hold off linkaxes([h1 h2],'x') % keyboard pause(.1) clf end end SWR_valid.Ts = SWR_valid.Ts(1:valid,:); SWR_valid.SwMax = SWR_valid.SwMax(1:valid,:); SWR_valid.RipMax = SWR_valid.RipMax(1:valid,:); if FIGS % Evaluate fixed point Precision/Recall performance figure('Color','w'), % marginal histograms [n1, ctr1] = hist(swDiffAll,1000); [n2, ctr2] = hist(ripPowerAll,1000); h1 = subplot(2,2,2); plot(swDiffAll(idx1), ripPowerAll(idx1),'.r'), hold on plot(swDiffAll(idx2), ripPowerAll(idx2),'.b'), plot(swDiffAll(SWRindF),ripPowerAll(SWRindF),'og','markerfacecolor','none') axis([min(swDiffAll(:)) max(swDiffAll(:)) min(ripPowerAll(:)) max(ripPowerAll(:))]) line(get(h1,'xlim'), repmat(thresL_Rip,[1 2]),'linestyle','--','color','k') line(repmat(thresL_swD,[1 2]),get(h1,'ylim'),'linestyle','--','color','k') title('Sharp Wave Difference vs. Ripple Power','fontsize',12) xlabel('Sharp Wave Diff','fontsize',12) ylabel('Ripple Power','fontsize',12) h2 = subplot(2,2,4); bar(ctr1,-n1,1), axis([min(swDiffAll(:)) max(swDiffAll(:)) -max(n1)*1.1 0]), axis('off'), h3 = subplot(2,2,1); barh(ctr2,-n2,1), axis([-max(n2)*1.1 0 min(ripPowerAll(:)) max(ripPowerAll(:))]) axis('off'), set(h1,'Position',[0.25 0.35 0.55 0.55],'fontsize',12); set(h2,'Position',[.25 .1 .55 .15],'fontsize',12); set(h3,'Position',[.05 .35 .15 .55],'fontsize',12); string = sprintf(['K-means Clustering:\n\n',... ' Center1: X = %7.2f, Y = %7.2f\n', ... ' Center2: X = %7.2f, Y = %7.2f\n\n', ... 'Number of Detected SWR:%5d\n'],... Ctrs(1,1),Ctrs(1,2),Ctrs(2,1),Ctrs(2,2), valid); annotation('textbox',[0.81 0.70 .1 .1],'String',string, ... 'edgecolor','none','fontsize',12) end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% TIME MINIMUM TROUGH %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Filter pyramidal lfp in ripple band and get the envelope lfpfilt = bz_Filter(lfp(:,1),'passband',ripBP,'filter','fir1'); signEnv = 2*lfpfilt.*lfpfilt; envelope = sgolayfilt(signEnv,4,101); envelope = abs(sqrt(envelope)); % Compute timestap of the trough nearest to the envelope maximum % That timestamp will be the middle timestamp of the ripple output TsTrough = SWR_valid.Ts(:,1)*0; parfor irip = 1:size(SWR_valid.Ts,1) idxs = SWR_valid.Ts(irip,2):SWR_valid.Ts(irip,3); [~, imax] = max(envelope(idxs)); imax = imax + idxs(1)-1; idxsmax = round([imax-0.01*SR:imax+0.01*SR]); [~, imin] = min(lfp(idxsmax)); imin = imin+idxsmax(1)-1; TsTrough(irip) = imin; % plot((idxs-imin)/SR, lfp(idxs,1), 'k', 'linewidth', 2) % hold on % plot((idxs-imin)/SR, lfpfilt(idxs)) % plot((idxs-imin)/SR, 1500*signEnv(idxs)/max(signEnv(idxs))) % plot(0/SR, lfp(imin), '*') % hold off % xlim([-0.05 0.05]) % pause end % Keep ripples whose computed troughs are inside the start and end timestamps idxsIn = find(TsTrough>SWR_valid.Ts(:,2) & TsTrough= 0.001, 1, 'first' ) - 1, find( cwin <= 0.999, 1, 'last' ) + 1 ] % 3 SD are usually enough % FIRFILT FIR filtering with zero phase distortion. % % matrix columns are filtered; % output is a column vector / matrix. % 19-Jul-02 ES % 27-jan-03 zero phase lag function Y = firfilt(x,W) if all(size(W)>=2), error('window must be a vector'), end if numel(x)==max(size(x)), x=x(:); end C = length(W); if C > size( x, 1 ) Y = NaN * ones( size( x ) ); return end D = ceil(C/2) - 1; Y = filter(W,1,[flipud(x(1:C,:)); x; flipud(x(end-C+1:end,:))]); clear x Y = Y(1+C+D:end-C+D,:); return % EOF function logAnalysisFile(AnalysisFileName, writePath) % The purpose of this utility is to provide a record of analyses run by % writing out to a log file the state of the code that was used to analyze % the data. It writes the log file into the current directory if only a % filename is provided. An absolute path is required to write out to an % arbitrary location. % % This utility is designed to be placed within an .m file used for % analysis. % % dependencies: mfilename % % author: John D. Long II, PhD contact: jlong29@gmail.com % %%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% INPUTS %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%% % AnalysisFileName: the output of mfilename('fullname') called from within % the .m file % writePath (optional): a user specified path for writing the log file. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% OUTPUTS %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % A .log file entitled mfilename-date.log written to the location % % Example usage: % logAnalysisFile(mfilename('fullpath') or % logAnalysisFile(mfilename('fullpath','~/mnt/Analysis/') % input check if nargin < 2 || isempty(writePath) writePath = []; end % assumes output from mfilename info = dir([AnalysisFileName '.m']); [~,filename] = fileparts([AnalysisFileName '.m']); % Check for log file and create or update as required if ~isempty(writePath) % check if writePath is a valid directory if exist(writePath,'dir') % check if writePath ends in filesep if ~strcmp(writePath(end),filesep) writePath = [writePath filesep]; end % check for pre-existing log file in writePath loginfo = dir(sprintf('%s%s.log',writePath,filename)); if isempty(loginfo) fprintf(1,'First Use Of Analysis File: Writing Log.\n'); fid1 = fopen(sprintf('%s%s.log',writePath,filename),'w+'); else % let's check if we need to update this file fid1 = fopen(sprintf('%s%s.log',writePath,filename),'r'); tline = fgetl(fid1); if strcmp(tline,info.date) fprintf(1,'Analysis File Up To Date.\n'); return else fprintf(1,'Analysis File Changed: Writing Log.\n'); fclose(fid1); fid1 = fopen(sprintf('%s%s.log',writePath,filename),'w+'); end end else fprintf(1,'InputWarning: Log File Written out to launch directory.\n'); % check for pre-existing log file current directory loginfo = dir(sprintf('%s.log',filename)); if isempty(loginfo) fprintf(1,'First Use Of Analysis File: Writing Log.\n'); fid1 = fopen(sprintf('%s.log',filename),'w+'); else % let's check if we need to update this file fid1 = fopen(sprintf('%s.log',filename),'r'); tline = fgetl(fid1); if strcmp(tline,info.date) fprintf(1,'Analysis File Up To Date.\n'); return else fprintf(1,'Analysis File Changed: Writing Log.\n'); fclose(fid1); fid1 = fopen(sprintf('%s.log',filename),'w+'); end end end else % check for pre-existing log file current directory loginfo = dir(sprintf('%s.log',filename)); if isempty(loginfo) fprintf(1,'First Use Of Analysis File: Writing Log.\n'); fid1 = fopen(sprintf('%s.log',filename),'w+'); else % let's check if we need to update this file fid1 = fopen(sprintf('%s.log',filename),'r'); tline = fgetl(fid1); if strcmp(tline,info.date) fprintf(1,'Analysis File Up To Date.\n'); else fprintf(1,'Analysis File Changed: Writing Log.\n'); fclose(fid1); fid1 = fopen(sprintf('%s.log',filename),'w+'); end end end % Open the analysis file to be read fid2 = fopen(sprintf('%s',[AnalysisFileName '.m']),'r'); fprintf(fid1,'%s\n',info.date); while ~feof(fid2) try tline = fgetl(fid2); fprintf(fid1,'%s\n',tline); catch keyboard end end % Close all files fclose(fid1); fclose(fid2);