Sessions list: ----------------- Session 1 - Y:\Homes\yaghmo01\Analysed Data\Miniscope\OM153\2_20_2021_HdFx_Stimmin1dbm_Nothing\H16_M2_S17\SFP.mat Session 2 - Y:\Homes\yaghmo01\Analysed Data\Miniscope\OM153\2_23_2021_HdFx_Stimmin1dbm_Nothing\H16_M18_S50\SFP.mat General data parameters: ------------------------ Imaging technique - 1-photon Number of sessions - 2 FOV size - 251X160 [microns] ; (x,y) Image size - 251X160 [pixels] ; (x,y) Session alignment parameters: ---------------------------------- Reference session - 1 Alignment Type - Translations and Rotations Cell registration parameters: ----------------------------- Model maximal distance - 10 [microns] Number of bins - 40 initial registration type - Centroid distances Initial threshold - 9.9 [microns] Registration approach - Probabilistic modeling Final registration type - Centroid distances P_same threshold - 0.5 General results: ---------------- Final number of cells - 293 Average fraction of active cells - 0.81 Fraction of false positives - 1 Fraction of false negatives - 0 Fraction of uncertain cell-pairs - 0 Average register score - -2.31 Average true positive score - 1 Average true negative score - 0.85 Average exclusivity score - 0.48 Discrepancy of the model - 0.2 Comments: ---------